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Paul Stukowski, Apr 12, 2007

In Defense of Introduction
Lethargy is a common trait. The actions we take cannot translate- they exist independently of the world, solely founded in their own vernacular. The tale becomes depressed then, knowing it will be meaningless before its writer even has a chance to die. Even a common language is a barrier to speaking. Short ideas burst and flare and sputter out and hope. Long, directionless sentences lazed about, sprouting limbs in an attempt to live a large life even if denied a long one. Quick bursts of story filled out in attempts to color a sense of feeling.

Action-packed Adventure
If zombies are interesting and ninja are awe-inspiring, zombie-ninja must surely be just stimulating enough to hold the attention. Why, then, did I lose interest in the zombie-ninja invasion last weekend? There were dripping bodily fluids, whizzing shuriken, people flying apart with no discernible cause, and any number of screams from the living who were too frightened to run away from their slow-moving attackers. Through it all, though, the danger just did not seem as imminent compared to the daily routine of life. If life is such a labor that zombie-ninja are inconsequential, what future can television have?

I feel as if I should have experience with aliens. Flying around, imposing on cultures that are not their jurisdiction, experimenting on creatures they don�t perceive as �people� - there is a romanticism of the non-human races that appeals to artificially-created life-forms. Whether we are formed by holograms or mass, drug-induced hallucinations, non-corporeal organisms just enjoy interacting with non-native species, as they tend to see us differently than our human peers. Imagine having one body for years, only to have it change significantly just because someone cannot understand what you are supposed to be interpreting. That is just fun.

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