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Going Home
corporate dreams
trinity, Feb 22, 2007

I�m living in a society where money is power. Power is corporate, and needs such as food and clothing are but a dream to some. People working dead end jobs with shitty pay. Not even enough to make the food that they need come their way. Trying to work up the corporate ladders. While the men on top suppress. I cry out to the masses to reject the capitalist dreams. Quit pretending that we decide values because nothing is what it seems. You work and you slave just to make ends meet. You grimace and smile, gritting your teeth. Knowing you will never beat inflation, the taxes you pay. Pray to God at night to keep creditors at bay. You choose food over socks with an Oliver�s please; make my belly full although tonight I might freeze. Multi-blanket tuck. The only protection I own between both my dog and my toes. The four-walled box cannot stop the weather. Just like my freedom to choose. I was once a corporate junkie a habit that lived in my veins. Compete with the Jones�s my jones feigning cards in my hot little hands. Money cannot buy happiness but the next best is diversion. One day I just quit, cold turkey burnt out on a multi-week binge. After losing my love, my hopes. Monetary value corroding my dreams. I worked three jobs all with lame pay. I bought my son a toy just to watch my baby play. Who knew that work would ruin my life? I lost my son to his father and I lost my soon to be wife. I was gone for too long is what they would say. I need to spend more time with them or else they�ll disappear. I didn�t believe them, I worked. I wanted to give my son a good home. I wanted to give him the life that was built out of stone. When I came home one day my whole life was gone. There was a note on the table saying that they left with my son. I miss him, I do. And I cant get him back. I wish I were lying on the bottom of the tracks. This corporate world is evil and the devils really dumb. Overtures never played and harmonies never sung. Your children need love. Your family needs your time. The business you work for wouldn�t give a fuck if you died. They�d hire another yuppie. They�d hire another corporate scum. For I cry out to the masses to reject the capitalist dreams. Quit pretending that we decide values because nothing is what it seems.

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