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a poem
knuckles, May 10, 2006

I woke up this morning to start my day.
Having you in my life will fulfill my wayz.

So I picked up the phone and started to dial
While thinking of you and your beautiful smile,

The phone kept ringin and you never picked up
So I put the phone down thinking it was just bad luck

So I walked out the door and began to run
Like there�s a guy standing behind me with a gun.

I got to your house and you answered the door
So I felt all the bad luck was no more.

I wrapped my arms around nice and tight
And when I closed my eyes the day turned night.

When I opened them up I began to smile,
just thinkin in ten minutes I got to walk a mile
to get to my house and reach my bed
and quickly fall asleep like I am dead.

To wake up in the morning just to see you
To make my grey skies turn bright and blue

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275 9th Street | San Francisco, CA 94104