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Staying Healthy
World Vegetarian Day
Ty Graham, Sep 29, 2004

On Sunday, September 26, 2004, I had spent the day learning about vegetarianism. The vegetarian day was held at the Hall of Flowers by the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. I myself am not a vegetarian but I went to see what it was about anyway. There were many booths advertising their product to aid in the vegetarian movement. Some of the booths were restaurants selling their samples instead of offering them freely.

I did try the free samples that were given out. I appreciated the smoked tofu and the non-caffeine herbal coffee that is offered in four different flavors. There were workshops and non-cooking classes demonstrating techniques on how to eat lighter and healthier. I can honestly say their samples that were created before my eyes were pretty good as well.

I come from the Midwest where most middle class people learn not to be so picky in what they eat. I was taught to enjoy a wide variety of food from around the world and am still venturing. I would encourage more people to eat this way. This would include eating beef, pork, poultry, and fish, which all give something back in return that eating just vegetarian or vegan will not provide. I�m not trying to come off as a nutritionist or anything like that. I just know what I like to eat. I feel that there are more people like me out there. My point is I don�t believe that vegetarianism is meant for everybody.

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