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Staying Healthy
Mission Neighborhood Resource Center
A Roaddawgz Review
Ty Graham, Jul 15, 2004


A Roaddawgz Review
By Ty Graham
July 13, 2004

Mission Neighborhood Resource Center (M.N.R.C.) is located in the heart of San Francisco�s Mission district at 16th and Capp St. It has many resources available for people on the move or for those who are looking to better themselves by getting off the streets. Many homeless refer to M.N.R.C. as �Capp Street� because of the street name.

�Capp Street� is a bilingual center catering to Spanish and English speaking people. The center has a medical clinic on the second floor that provides services to people with little to no income. Anyone visiting the clinic can be tested for STD�s, tuberculosis and treated for various ailments such as twisted ankles, minor cuts etc.

There are other services available as well. One can drop in, get a reservation for 7 days at 3rd Baptist Church or a bed in one of the other homeless shelters in San Francisco. In the same visit one can shower in separate facilities, do laundry in washers and dryers costing only .25 cents each. Do you believe that!? At the beginning of every month there is a lottery for lockers that are in the center. The center is also used for just getting off the streets or catching an afternoon movie on the big screen t.v. with surround sound. Sometimes there might be coffee and a snack in the mornings and evenings.

Mission Neighborhood Resource Center also provides case managers on location that can help out with problems that we face every day. Capp Street is one of the best drop in centers to get help at.

Mission Neighborhood Resource Center
165 Capp St. (at Mission St.)
San Francisco, CA 94110.
(415) 869-7977

Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 7am to 12pm & 2pm to 7pm
Thursday: 7am to 12pm & 2pm to 5pm

Saturday Sunday and Holidays

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275 9th Street | San Francisco, CA 94104