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WrEtChEd WhOrE
Trinity, Feb 01, 2007

Wishing i knew what to say or do
To make all of your dreams come true
But tonight i brought some crack home
And brought some heroin home too
We could split the cheeva
And the crack is just for you
I have an extra sixty bucks
i made it just for you
You could spend it on anything
That will make your dreams come true
I worked hard for that money
Yes i put my hand on his dick
In an adult theater
And after i got sick
But its going to be okay
Because when i get home
Everything will go away
I promise I promise
ill bring you home our drugs
Ill bring you home your girlfriend
Ill bring you home some hugs
But when I�m in a corner
Crying out in all this pain
remember that i might have just been fucked
By another man today
So ill cough you up the money
And ill cough us up some drugs
Maybe tomorrow it wont hurt so bad
Maybe tomorrow ill get a hug...

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