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Finding Freedom
The worst day of my life
Knuckles, Oct 05, 2006

I guess the way I'm going to start this is by the way
I got woke up. See the thing is I've been awake for
about 4 days and I keep on falling asleep while I'm
walking. So what I was thinkin' at the time the best
thing for me to do is sit down for a sec and just
collect my thoughts ( BAD IDEA) I don't even really
remember at the time sitting down and it seems to me
that I never closed my eyes, well I was an itiot cuz
when i look up i have this guy in overalls on and a
blue shirt on and his hand on my shoulder shaking me
saying "SIR!!!SIR!!! ARE YOU OK? SIR!!!SIR!!! HELLO?
SIR!!!" I don't really know what the hell is foing on
at this moment and I would like some answers but I
know I can't ask him so I say "YEAH DUDE WHAT THE FUCK
I'M OK LEAVE ME BE!!!!!!" He takes a quick look at me
and says " IF YOUR OK TAN WALK AWAY!!!!!" So of course
I walk away and still don't know what the hell is
going on and still need answers..So I start walking
down the street asking for spare change and can't
stand the hunger I've got at the moment so while I do
this I ofcourse look in the garbage for some crumbs
that not even a mouse would eat. I made nothing and am
still starving..... Now thats just my morning of this
trecherous day and I can allready tell that just by
the way this day has started life is going to suck the
rest of the day.
Later on that day I went down to 7th and market to
hopefully see some people that owe me some money and
be able to get well and buy some food cuz I'm still
Well I ran into some cool people that smoked a bowl
with me and kinda lightened things up for me which waz
kinda cool and made me look at life a little better.
THEN!!!! People I owe money to- NOOOOOOOO! This really
sucks cuz I very rarely owe people money cuz I hate
the hassle and drama. Then out of nowhere like every
person I don't really like, because they beg a lot, came
around and of course asked me for money or a hit of
crack and a rinse if chiva. MAN I HATE THAT!!! I mean
why can't they hustle? I hustle for my money why can't
they? I really don't mind sharing the wealth if I got
it but come on peoples I'm not a money mart and I am
homeless just like them. This part of the day is
almost worst than the morning wake up. BEGGING, I CAN'T
STAND IT!!! I kind of beg like I ask for spare change
or for people to buy me food but I don't go to the
same person every day and ask for something like some
people in this hell hole of a world. I would like for
one day someone to give me something.

Well it's almost night fall and nothing has come my
way and I am pissed off at every person that owes me
money or people that are coming over asking people
that have nothing if they want to buy crap we wouldn't
need EVER. It's time for me to hustle and make some
money. As I walk down the street arguing with my
stomach that won't stop growling at me, I run into a
couple of dudes that want to jump me and take what I
don't have, I don't know what it is, but people insist that
I have money. I really don't know what it is, do I
dress expensive? cuz I don't wear jewelry or n-e-thing
that indicates money. Well they won't stop asking me
for stuff and I keep telling them that I have nothing
but they don't want to leave me alone so that means I
have to try to ditch them before I get jumped so I see
some dude that seems kinda cool so I walk up to him
and ask if he can do me a favor and act as my friend
so these guys will leave me alone cuz they�re trying to
jack me and he takes one look at me and says "NO!!!
at him and said "FUCK YOU PUNK!" and he swung at me
and I ducked and came up with a left hook and knocked
him out cold then I looked at the two guys behind me
and they were gone...That�s when the day waz officially
over cuz I ran and hid behind some bush and the next
thing you know I opened my eyes and it waz day light.............

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