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Cookie Sampaguita Arceo, Jan 11, 2007

We spoke in volumes
Of our content
What makes us human
Breathing the same air
Eating in unison
Our souls intertwined
Last night
I quivered when you
touched my thigh
you asked me
the matter I said
I was anticipation of you
But I could not let go
Of that touch of yours
Afraid of the pop of extortion
The fizz of receding moments
Lost to time and memory
But such is life
As they say
As they will sing forever
Until the sun burns out
And is this a dagger of truth
Which I see before me
It�s handle turned toward my hand
I sit and ponder my reflection
in it�s metallic cold dark
noticing the twinkle in my own gaze
I stop in my spacing out, I come to
You are standing there now
Eyes wide with wonder
With joy full of knowledge and truth

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