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Drugs & Addictions
Gail Goynes,, Sep 10, 2003

I am afraid of my addiction, and I don�t want to be a junkie forever. Damn that stupid Trainspotting movie, because that�s what started it all for me back when I was eighteen. I feel good about having a job now and I don�t want to screw it up, but I�m thinking I might have to quit so I can check into a rehab program. I keep asking myself why am I an addict? Is it just depression, self destruction, and self hate? If I think too hard the whole world gets me down.

I want the world to be a better place. I need to do my part and improve myself. I often feel like I don�t belong in this reality. I know there are good things about this world, but I feel like the bad outweighs the good. Our technology is killing our way of life. I do enjoy a lot of it, but deep down it feels wrong to me. I just saw the front page of a newspaper and it said that Bush wants to spend eight billion dollars on war. I don�t think any human should have that kind of power.

I wish he would spend the money on replanting the rainforest and switching gas cars to electric. I think that cement is wrong because it covers our mother earth. We are a part of this planet and it is a part of us. I want our civilization to fall, so we can renew the earth and start making life our first priority, not money and power. I miss the ways of old. I can only hope that the gods and goddesses of the universe are devising a plan to reawaken the inner spirits and souls of all of these clueless conformists who are blinded to the real truth.

Maybe an Ice Age is in order. It could freeze everything unnatural and bring our home back into balance. This is supposed to be a circle of life, not a chaos of machines and men playing god. I refuse to believe that we are so far gone that our existence cannot be improved and re-routed. I would rather have a huge forest than a city of destruction. I also know that all things are neither good nor bad. Why am I so persecuted for doing to myself what we are doing to our planet? Why do we think we own the planet? I just want to have piece of mind and to know that the earth will reclaim control of herself. Mother, Father, Gods and Goddesses please help. Give me direction.

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User comments

KM   Nov 07, 2003 13:26:50  
Why am I so persecuted for doing to myself what we are doing to our planet?

I really felt that line. It was one of those sit back and meditate moments... I want to thank you for publishing this, it was very mentally stimulating. Which has been the my focus for the past two or three weeks, as an attempt to get back to my state of normal. Thanks again.

th   Nov 01, 2003 21:20:00  
Go to N.A. meetings, life is based upon choices.If you want it bad enough, sobriety must be a priority. Quit searching for ambiguity, the miracle already happened, find the source, N.A. and A.A. are vehicles we have to allow ourselves to grow in accordance with nature, the brain is an organ, you are more than your brain, you can get it if you want it,the choice is yours. Finding peace is really quite simpleonce the ego is stripped away-it can be humiliating-finding our real true selves wihout all the bullshit overlays integrated into our being via the world
which is passing away. One day at a time-visit a nursing home for a reality check, ill health due to alcohol, ciggs, and drugs really mess the system up and cause a lot of needlesssuffering later on. We have the now! Dr.TH

wr   Sep 11, 2003 14:45:39  
Bush has spent billions twords reasearch for fuel cell cars. We *might* see a consumer version in 06.

Cement is invitiable, so is the human mentatllity to live next to each other. Cities were made for protection. Protection from the wild things of this Earth and from the hate of other humans.

If this is how the youth of the US thinks, then perhaps the end is near.

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