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Staying Healthy
a bit on san francisco
aaron dubus , Oct 26, 2006

coming to san francisco was a spur of the moment prepare when i get there kind of thing. im dying. it seems impossible. i was always called a machine. indestructible.
i thought i was crazy scizo or some how diagnosible in my teens hearing people�s minds insults laughing torment. muscle spasms became normal and getting stoned angered my anglo sweede stepdad. i still didnt know what was going on. sent away shit and pills became my life for the next years to ensue. that was in iowa.

i migrated there from california. doctors hated me . but sickness was my curse. many budds and healing cubans blacks b.s. satan and voodoo followed. i was soon lead to a dark mental state .alchoholic balling cause my roommate called me a puss. buddha vision. Buddha Quan Yin and 3 monks and nun saved me from total drain for about 3 months. Christ Jesus never did much. and none of them could help me the states ever again. It�s not that I�m cursed I�m just different.special. sacred. my gramma told me. but thoughts of heritage came in to mind. the nun always said its okay hunny. my dead beat dad is a feathered jew. imagine that.

after being screwed over spiritualy and knowing id been ripped off already by music media art Hollywood (yeah its true) and disfigured by whites hispanics and blacks id seen my true face before. so now possessed used drained electricuted brused disfigured controlled ive seen my true body. sorry if im inside of you or new youth and abilities have entered into your life it only lasts about 4 years.

heritage. people dont practice these things in israel. aliyah is what its called. its a right to return to israel. im not much of a jew but they operators are being jewish about it. bushy bullshit. id feel better in israel im sure or anywhere between heaven and america. if this sounds whinny blame kurt cobain. gramma take me home.

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