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Squatting & Gear
Fetser, Jun 22, 2006

I always thought it would be exciting to live in an abandoned building with a bunch of street urchins like myself. The idea of not having to pay rent and still having a place to lay my head out of the rain was so enticing. The exact location of a squat would be unimportant but it would best be away from the general public. This would ensure less heat from the police.
My first squat was an abandoned house in Berkeley which I stayed at about seven years ago. I was only in Berkeley a short time for a Phil show at the Greek Theatre. This was the first time I had the chance to try LSD. I remember tripping so hard and having a difficult time finding my squat but eventually I did.
The second squat I had was in SF in the Haight. It was an old abandoned house and all its inhabitants thought was haunted. I actually stayed in it off and on for years since for a long time it was exclusively a Scumfuc squat for many years. The most recent time I stayed there it was busted and now it is virtually impossible to enter.
Another squat I was privileged enough to stay at was also in Berkeley but was just the basement of a house rented by college kids. I stayed there for quite a long time with a couple of friends and got really high on speed. This was a time in my life where I felt generally unliked by my peers and I just pushed it away with a nice fat shot of peanut butter.
My most recent and current squat is in SF. This is a place I feel most at home with due to the fact I am surrounded by a group of my friends. It is the ideal place to inhabit due to the fact it is totally secluded. It is definitely safe since I am surrounded by my own people. I am very happy with where I currently stay and who I stay with, I feel totally safe.
I don't know if you can tell but I hate paying rent and I am not going to pay rent anytime soon. I will keep staying where I am not supposed to and continue doing what I am not supposed to do. The one thing I will always remember is where I came from and why I am in the situation I am in today.
To be continued.. Above photo of Fester (middle) with friends

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