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Question the Dawn
Steffon Haaby, Jul 07, 2005

With the turning of the tides one speaks to himself and asks?

With the dawn of a new age one asks is it time for a change?

When it comes time for the beast to arrive will you be ready?

When life comes to an abrupt end where will you be?

Who will be the ender of all things and what beckons him?

Who will stop the motion of time and will life as we know it cease to exist?

These are the questions of the new age and why we ask is not of are likings to answer.

But one yet question that boggles the mind of mankind yet to this day and to the end of all days is.....

Why are we here and what put us here?

No one knows for certain seeing how there are so many religions out there, which means there are
many interpretations of life.

All we know is that we are here and that what short time we have here we must enjoy it.

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