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Drugs & Addictions
The General,, Jun 24, 2003

Sobriety is a strange thing. The last time I was sober was four years ago when I was thrown in beautiful Boulder, Colorado jail. Reality is so depressing.

Realized why I tried suicide so many times when just a puppy. Man, this is dull. Reality. My God.

Used to be I couldn�t function without booze in my system. Motor functions, shakes, loss of breath. Used to be that I couldn�t eat unless I had some of that gasoline cuz of the shakes.

On the street there�s just nothin� else to do except drink or some other fucked-up drug. If one was to look at all homeless people they would notice that damn near all of them have some sort of vice. No way to walk through the Tenderloin without someone tryin� to sell you some shit, or some addict talkin� to himself.

All through the valley I have been. New York, Chicago, L.A., and some other rough shitholes.

But this one�.

Never have I seen such villainy. Every step I take being sober makes me want to puke. Where in which when I drank, I would contribute towards the mayhem.

Now being the quiet most gentlemanly mutha in the valley I wonder.

They should put Proposition N into effect. It worked for me. After ten years on the road being HOMELESS I now have a home. I don�t have to drink to suppress the disgust of being a dirty-ass scumbag. No longer have to drink just for the pain of hard cold cement and freezing rain. Without a blanket, being cold. Just to sleep�.

Now I can put my energy to good Little House On The Prairie deeds. Like starting a library or volunteering at disabled children�s homes. Helping old ladies across the street instead of tripping them.

All that good shit.

Sobriety sure is dull but it�s good for you.

People that are indoors miscomprehend why the homeless consume naughty things. Those sort of people ought to hit the street for a month and I guarantee they will be using, sooner or later.

I read in the paper today that there is a 13% drop in welfare recipients. Thus Proposition N scared mutha fuckas out of town. Maybe a good thing considering that the 13% of tramps could be dealers, users, hookers, murderers, child molesters and jaywalkers.

Like I said, Proposition N worked for me a lot of other fast-thinking bastards.

I wouldn�t mind going on stage at one of those against Prop N protests posing as a homeless man, which shouldn�t be hard.

Ten years.

But speaking my mind about the good of Mr. N, I would most likely get mobbed and raped by a shitload of tramps everywhere I go. I�d have to carry a fire extinguisher to use as a smoke screen. I carry a stink bomb once in a while. I would use it on me so that no one would come near me.

Might not work considering a lot of my friends smell worse than a stink bomb.


Hemingway committed suicide shortly after he quit booze.

His daughter too.


My writing is not what it used to be.

It sucks!

But I�m clean.



And I have a chance to get things right.

So remember, kiddies, Prop N. is not all that bad.

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User comments

Jasmine   Jul 19, 2003 05:27:50  
Sobriety is for people who cant handle their drugs......

MSynn   Jun 29, 2003 21:35:44  
For what it's worth....I'm one dude that is grateful(not jus a 12step word) to be off the alcohol..of ALL the recreational substances I've consumed/injested/snorted/smoked/popped..and otherwise abuse/misuse..ALCOHOL followed closely by tobacco(commercia/cigarettes)..F**%%ed me up the worst!!..YEARS of rehab..HEALTH/MEDICAL problems bigtime...that was seven years ago..DULL is in the mind..clear mind works for me
....for what it's worth(free)

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