A Roaddawgz's One Man Show
New Works by Milo Harkness-Smith, Sep 23, 2004
"Flaming Bed" c. 2004
A stunning collection of visual stimulation, inspiration and art from the heart of a native 21 year old Texan. Now an aspiring young artist relocated to San Francisco, Milo seizes the underworld of independent art, captures an innovative originality blending vibrancy, surrealism, humor and despair.
Juxtaposing brilliant colors with crowded figures huddled in isolation a world of solitude and radiance wed in a surprisingly harmonious manner.
Milo�s palette blends beauty and strength combining a wide variety of mediums including water color pencils, pastels, ink and paint marker.
September 9-October 9, 2004
at Faithful Fools Street Ministry & Copy Shop
230 Hyde Street @Turk
Machiko Saito, Editor
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