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Running in Reverse 2
Paul Stukowski, Nov 10, 2004

Running In Reverse 2: Tip Tip

A common feature wedded to webcomics (such as above) is the webcomic rant. This is a paragraph or two, written by the webcomic's writer and/or artist, about some tidbit, whether in the comic itself, the world landscape, or the creator's personal life. There are, of course, other terms for the rant, none of which I can think of at the moment, since someone is blasting bad music shaking all of the glass in the Roaddawgz office, making me physically ill. But what of it? I wasn't in a particularly god mood this morning anyway.

Back to the point. Webcomics and homeless people often share this
principle: ranting keeps us talking when we have nothing left to say.
This makes us irritating, self-aggrandizing, and a general nuisance to
people who like to hear the sounds of brain-atrophying pop music and the braying of little children. It also allows us to stress people we otherwise have no power over. Which is all anyone ever really asks for.

I think I need to go out into the rain to calm down.

Another thing about webcomics: There needs to be a "friendly rivalry."
Personally, I think the Baron has been getting off too easily of late.

(And if you think I'll ever address the comic in the rant... well, I
might. I just realized that at one a week, it'll take forever for the strip to
cover the storylines I've already written for it.)


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