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A Manifesto
Stefan,, Mar 03, 2003

Slowly I wander the highway. Country, city
Slowly I wander the city. Sidewalk, house
Slowly I wander the house. Acquaintance, friend
Slowly I notice the faces of friends. Truths, lies
Slowly I notice the lies. Idle, painful
Slowly I notice the pain. Contentment, contempt
Slowly contempt grows, burns, soon a bonfire of hatred most wild does spawn, leaving in its furious wake thoughts of revenge most sweet, and malice most entertaining.
Slowly I sever the ties.
Gone are the friends, houses, sidewalks, cities, countries until again I find myself on this stretch of asphalt.
Slowly I wander the highway.

To me, idealism is not following the footsteps or expectations of others
Why fight for equality why not begin to realize, instead, that people are very different and not entirely equal, this said, not one person human or otherwise is any better or worse than another merely different and therefore unequal.

I feel it rather arbitrary to attempt to break free of a governing system whilst holding a job, paying rent, having a bank account, driving a car, voting or partaking in any activity which does involve using said government�s currency system or monetary exchange.

I am quite sure that smashing the current system will merely leave room for a new system, which has the potential to be more heinous and detrimental to feelings of freedom than the former.

I am curious as to whether or not people who feel they have gained insight regarding that which they claim others are blind to are still blind but led to believe that they know all. Furthermore I think it is rather benign to say that one mind has advanced more than another when it is not quite possible for one to ever know fully how the mind of another does operate.

What is the true problem with religion, the gods, the theology, or the fanatical followers? It does seem quite possible to me that the stories of the Christian bible are rather congruous to that of other religions, if so, why then is there so much blind hatred between said groups of followers

It is just damned silly have separatism in an anarchist movement. It is quite possible that destroying things to be heard or to make others conform to one�s own set of ideologies is no less oppressive than say, waging war against an entire population of people to gain the same ends.

If you knew what you were talking about, would you not shut the fuck up?
If you were given the opportunity, would you not kill one thousand times over?
If you knew you were being lied to, would you not close your ears?
If you knew you knew you were lying, would you not close your mouth?
If there were a wrong, would I still write?
If everything were said, would there be a need to speak?
If you knew what I was talking about, I would shut the fuck up.

As I walk down the street I see so many faces, so many people, so many agendas, so much hatred. The hidden secrets, ugly, the secret desires, deadly, the unwritten ideas, sinful. These streets are no longer pure, and salvation is dead.
A crackhead needs a dollar, a heroine dealer needs a customer a drunk in need of a drink, an old frail woman in need of a final resting place, a teenage girl in need of guidance. A business man in need of people to screw, a cop in need of a hole in the head, an immigrant in need of acceptance, a speed addict in need of a clean needle, a city worker in need of a new job. A happy gay couple in need of a chance to live a life without hassle. A young kid in need of a friend, a street musician in need of a real gig, a prostitute in need of a new handle, a fanatic in need of a god, a bored punk rocker in need of something to do. An old washed out radical in need of a cause, a lawyer in need of a victim, a writer in need of a topic, a performer in need of a stage. A politician in need of a campaign...myself in need of someone to love, to hold, to be there. So much need, so much hatred, so much greed and confusion, so much worry, so much taken for granted, so much waste, so much pain. These are our streets, these are my streets; so much betrayal, so much hypocrisy, so much beauty hidden under this mess, so much power holding back the good and contentment. I hate this place I love these streets

I have to find a way out of this place

Unity is every person for themselves

Anarchy is socialism with a cool symbol

Nihilism is the answer to every question

Equality is prejudice

Feminism is hypocrisy

Pride is guilt

Guilt is pride

Save the trees, kill the carrots?

The word chick in reference to a woman can be considered oppressive, why the is the same not true about the word dude in reference to a man?

Anger brought by the oppression of others is empathy, jumping in to the fight and speaking on their behalf is oppressive.

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