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Street Hustles
Passing through the door of the world
Shaun, Mar 16, 2006

On February the 12, 2006 here in the city of San
Francisco Ca, I was on my way downtown to take in this
Year�s celebration parade for St. Patrick's Day. Now we
all know or i would hope that you know that St.
Patrick's day is not until the 17 of this month. Which
kind of means a lot to me because my family comes from
the land Ireland and also Scotland so you can kind of
see what i mean by this parade and St Patrick's Day
are so important to me. So now i am downtown talking
with Carlos who is also a fellow contributor here at
Roaddawgz. We are watching the parade go by when
this guy comes up to us and asks if we want to smoke a
blunt and of course we say yes. So we stand and talk
with this guy for awhile and then he says he has to go
and if we should run into him again he would buy us a
couple of beers. But we never make it to where he says
he is going because along the way Carlos and i run
into another person and he says his name is Tony and his
wife/girlfriend, whatever she is to him her name was
Toni. Now is that strange or what. It's kind of like
saying your own name in bed "tony,Toni,tony" is that
weird or what? Whatever, back to the story he says he
is from Scotland and that he and his wife/girlfriend
want to hang out with us and takes us for drinks at the
R bar on Polk Street. So Carlos and i start walking
with this guy and his wife/girlfriend ask if we could
go watch this band that was playing at city hall. So
now we are on our way to city hall to watch this band.
We get their and it starts to pour so hard that they were
having a hard time continuing to play but they got it
anyway. Let me say it was a hell of a show. People were
buying me beers and the music was good even
in the rain because it made you think of being in
Ireland on the same kind of day. But now the band is
done and we are on our way to Chinatown to eat at SAM
Wu's Chinese restaurant. Let me say the food was
great! So by now it is approximately 9:00 p.m. and
Tony's wife/girlfriend says she is going home and that
Carlos and I should have him home by 2:00 a.m. we say
o.k. So now Tony wants to drink and says he is taking
us to martinis for martinis, so we�re off and along the
way this guy tony stops and buys a pair of street
pumas from a crack head and then a bike from a speed
junky and we are trying to get him home with most of
his monies. It doesn't work because by the time i
separated from Tony and Carlos, Tony was flat broke
and drunk off his ass but so were we. What better way
to enjoy the day right. i sure did and i will again
because all it takes is saying hi to people that you
don't know. So if you see me in the streets don't be
scared don't think me weird just take the sec to find
who it is you are laughing or pointing at. So this end
yet another one of my journeys. Good bye for now

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275 9th Street | San Francisco, CA 94104