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Street Hustles
M 4 M, Young and Versatile
Fester, Mar 16, 2006

Most 20 something year olds are worried about their next final or what to do
on their next date with that lucky lady, not me though. I never thought I�d
be tying some dirty old man up and beating his balls with a ruler then getting
paid for it. Life for me is truly disturbing. Having lived a fairly sheltered life
until the age of about 18, I never really knew about sex. Strongly enough I have
made a startling impact on the M4M escort business even though I�m not gay.
Before my introduction to SF, I really never understood the value of sex to our population,
it astounded me the amount of individuals who were willing to pay
cash for sex. Even more astounding was their infatuation with me. I�m not
trying to boast or make you think I�m in any way conceited, but they want me!
I think of myself as being a fairly normal looking person, not especially attractive
or appealing, no more than anyone else anyways. Yet for some reason I feel as
though I have become somewhat of a �hot commodity�, amongst my peers.
I can�t help it if I know what people want and how to give that to them. Sadly
though, my services are usually called upon by older men and older women, and servicing them is sometimes very unappealing.

the Chronicle caught me on my day off catching some R n R, and this is what they said...
fester, who lined up for homeless help early in the morning, caught some sleep waiting in line Thursday with hundreds of others. Chronicle photo by Brant Ward

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