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On the Road
Out of Jail-Out of SF
Kevin, Jan 11, 2007

I just got out of jail in SF on Novemeber 27, 2006, a day before my father�s birthday, (only did 20 days blah blah). I needed to go south to get the fuck ottta frisco, so I ran into this girl and her boyfriend who were traveling through. We drank some whiskey, then I ran into this guy, roach, who a few days earlier we agreed to be roadawgs. We got our shit together and hopped on the b.a.r.t to west Oakland. After a little walk we were at the playground. We found the hole and were in the yard ducking under that low ass highway. Yeah whatever, we were fucking drunk, we don�t like our legs.

But this girl was certain that this train was heading south. I knew in the back of my mind that it was going north, but I just wanted out of the bay area. So we hop on a 48, 4 people and 2 dawgs, we start rolling within 10 minutes, which was cool. I went to sleep because we only had one 40 between 4 people for wake up. I woke a few times when we were in tunnels, but other than that I slept. In the morning I woke first and realized something was wrong when the sun was to my right. Obviously if we were southbound the sun would be to my left. We all crawled out of our sleeping bags, and were very pissed. We saw signs about Stockton, and were like �fuck!�. We definitely didn�t want to go to Roseville. Luckily the train stopped and we said fuck it and got off because it looked populated. By the grace of god the hole in the fence was right there. We were now in some high school football field. We walked to the street and read a bus sign and realized we were in Sacramento. There was a giant mini mall thing with an Albertson�s and a McDonald�s and a bunch of other crap. We made a bunch of money quick. We ate and proceeded to get a spacebag (of blush of course). After drinking that (and getting harassed by security). We all decided it would be a great idea to go to Auburn. The girl and hippy took off bitch hiking, me and roach were gonna get drunk and take a bus and meet them there. After bussing for like a fucking hour downtown, we found these little kids who wanted us to buy them beer. I bought them a few 40s, and they kicked down 10 bucks. Needless to say we got drunk! I came outta my blackout flying a blank piece of cardboard at an off ramp. Ha! I didn�t know where roach was so somehow (drunk as fuck) made my way back to where we got off the train. I vaguely remember talking to a woman and her daughter, and telling her not to be racist and she said alright. I say that a lot to kids, because they don�t see human colors yet and I think it should stay that way. we�re all the HUMAN race.

Whatever. Then I woke up next to a stopped train, so I went for a ride. I got off in Orrville (riding a unit) and on my way off to get more beer. This worker must have shit his pants and said, �ohhhhh, you gotta get outta here!�. I said. �no shit, here I go�. Ha ha so I cruised the town, almost got destroyed by a bunch of giant bikers, cause I asked them for a cigarette. Bought some beer and came back to the same train and got on the same unit. In K falls some worker was cool as fuck, and let me ride the back unit. I asked if we were headed to Portland he said yes, so it was cool. Then I saw a bunch of snow in Bend, Oregon and came back to SF for some goddamn reason. That�s where my other story starts. cheers

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