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Staying Healthy

A urinary tract infection, (UTI) occurs when your bladder and its exit tubes get infected. Women get them more often than men -- they're more susceptible to bacteria sneaking into the urinary tract.

Symptoms: Symptoms may include: feeling like you have to pee all the time, except when you try, nothing comes out and it hurts really bad. Sometimes your pee will look kinda hazy, discolored or tinged with blood. In more severe cases you could develop a fever, or chills, belly or back pains.

Treatment: UTI's , (as with most infections) can be cured with antibiotics, but it's important to remember that antibiotics almost always cause yeast infections unless you take Acidophilus with it which can get really expensive. So our advice would be to use it as a last resort. If you catch the infection in it's earlier stages you can take 12 to 32 ounces of pure cranberry juice daily, and just take mad amounts of vitamin C. Also, as always, drink tons of water.

When to See a Doctor: If you've got blood in your urine, a fever, or nausea/vomiting you should probably go see a doctor just to be safe.

If you need more information check out or visit your nearest drop-in center.

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275 9th Street | San Francisco, CA 94104